Wednesday, September 24, 2008


After 12 days with no phone or electricity (the latest estimate for power is Sunday), I must remind myself that things could be a whole lot worse. When my patience starts to wear thin, I remind myself of all that I have to be thankful for in the midst of all this...

• We came through the storm with no bodily harm and only minor damage to our house.
• My refrigerator hasn't been this clean since it was new.
• Ditto the freezer.
• Our electric bill will be really low this month.
• Ditto the phone bill.
• We never lost water or gas.
• It could be a LOT hotter outside.
• I got my iPhone when I did.
• When I went into the garden to survey the damage I found this...

1 comment:

BugnLVoe said...

You are just like the rose in your garden. A rose in the midst of the hurricane aftermath.
I love your inspiration and joy Pam. :-)