Monday, February 18, 2008

Purrkins' 15 minutes of fame

On Fridays the Houston Chronicle has a Pets Page in the Star section, along with the comics, Dear Abby, Sudoku, etc. A week ago last Friday there was some lame picture of a dog sleeping in a cat bed. Remembering this photo of Purrkins, I thought "I can do better than that" and emailed it to them. We were getting ready to leave for work on Friday morning when Mike says, "I can't believe this!" and shows me this:
He said something about me having too much time on hands. I said something about at least I wasn't on eBay. BTW, my latest quilt project is coming along nicely and should be off to its recipient by the end of the week. Then I promise to post pictures.


Andrea said...

That's too cute Pam! Love it!
Purrkins is way cuter than a dumb ol' dog. That is, unless it's a Pug, lol!
(Said by a cat person you see).

BugnLVoe said...

haha - I love it!!! :-)
sooooo cute.