Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I couldn't make this up...

Sometime during the last month, postage went up while I wasn't paying attention. I do have some 2¢ stamps left from the last time it went up, but I hate giving the USPS more than I have to. Cheap, no...OC, yes! So I ordered some stamps online...the $1 they charge for delivery is so worth it! It saves my sanity from having to deal with the local post office. I got some 1¢ stamps and also some of the new 42¢ Minnesota sesquicentennial ones. When they arrived they were in this envelope...

And this is how I found them in the mail slot in our front door...

Does anyone else see the irony here?

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Ha, Ha. My Dad is sooo into stamps. Because they go to Florida for the winter his stamps packages get mailed to my house. EVERY time, they are just smashed into my ity-bity group mailbox on the corner. PS great blog really enjoying it.